Matt Wilson

Current Advisees

Hector Penagos - Research Scientist

Past Advisees

Amauche Emenari - Graduate Student
Honi Sanders - Postdoc
David Theurel - Graduate Student


CBMM Publications

C. Varela and Wilson, M. A., Thalamic contribution to CA1-mPFC interactions during sleep, Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting - SfN 2017. Washington, DC, 2017.
H. Penagos, Varela, C., and Wilson, M. A., Oscillations, neural computations and learning during wake and sleep, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 44C, no. June 2017, 2017.
Z. Chen, Linderman, S. W., and Wilson, M. A., Bayesian nonparametric methods for discovering latent structures of rat hippocampal ensemble spikes, in IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Salerno, Italy, 2016.