Diego Mendoza-Halliday

photo of Diego Mendoza-Halliday
Research Collaborator

Associated Research Module: 

Associated Research Thrust: 

Visual information constantly floods our visual system, yet only a small percentage is relevant to us at each moment. Our brains are capable of filtering out irrelevant information and preferentially processing relevant information, a process known as attention. Of the visual information we attend, a percentage of it remains behaviorally relevant after it is no longer available to the senses. Our brains are capable of retaining this information for subsequent use in cognition and behavior, a process known as working memory. My research uses high-end electrophysiological and optogenetic techniques in non-human primates to examine the brain’s mechanisms underlying visual attention, working memory, and their interaction, at the level of individual neurons, neuronal ensembles, and across multiple brain areas.
Email:  mendoz@mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 821-3374

CBMM Publications

D. Mendoza-Halliday, Torres, S., and Martinez-Trujillo, J., Working Memory Representations of Visual Motion along the Primate Dorsal Visual Pathway, in Mechanisms of Sensory Working Memory: Attention and Performance XXV., Elsevier Inc. , 2015.